Sundance 2014

I spent the past week out in Park City, Utah for the 2014 Sundance FIlm Festival.  One of my best friends and great photographer, Victoria Will, is an entertainment photographer for the Associated Press and each year she is asked to photograph all the stars of Sundance.  She photographs movie stars, musicians, athletes and anyone involved with the festival.  This year she asked me to come along as she wanted to try something new!  We set up a makeshift studio in the back of a ski shop on Main Street in Park City and decided to turn back the clock and use a photography style from the 1860s. Victoria decided on tintypes, which are literally images captured on a 4x5" plate of aluminum. This involved bringing in an old school 4x5" film camera, a plethora of darkroom chemicals and a TON of light(4800watts to be exact).  We had never shot this way before but Victoria and darkroom assistant Josh did a lot of research on the process and five days and 110+ shoots later we ended up with quite the gallery of tintype photos to show! My job was to help setup, light and process the digital scans of each and every tintype photo.  Victoria did an amazing job working with the celebrities and getting some great emotion and poses out of them and we are very proud of the results! It was a great time working with all of the celebrities and I hope to do it again next year!  Below are just a few of the photos along with my very own tintype so I can pretend to be a celeb for a day ;) Hope you like them!

Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway

Elle Fanning

Elle Fanning

Bill Hader

Bill Hader

Maggie Gylenhaal

Maggie Gylenhaal

Dane DeHaan

Dane DeHaan

Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood

Me :)

Me :)